Student Services
Welcome to the PUSD Student Services Department
The State Education Code calls for inclusion of the following elements in an IEP:
- A summary of the assessment findings, including your child's strengths as well as needs.
- A statement of goals and objectives, which the group suggests for your child.
- A list of specific services that will be used to find out how well the plan is working (evaluation).
- A recommendation for placement.
- The starting date and frequency of services
Available Services
Wellness and Safety - "Nurturing Strong Roots For Life"
Adult Education
Special Education
If the parent and the school agree that the child has a disability and requires special education services, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be designed to meet the child's needs. This will take place at a meeting attended by parents and the school personnel and may include others as appropriate.
The State Education Code calls for inclusion of the following elements in an IEP:
- A summary of the assessment findings, including your child's strengths as well as needs.
- A statement of goals and objectives, which the group suggests for your child.
- A list of specific services that will be used to find out how well the plan is working (evaluation).
- A recommendation for placement.
- The starting date and frequency of services
For information on parents' rights and resources, please visit California Department of Education website.
Homeless, Foster Youth, McKinney-Vento
Child Welfare, Attendance, and SARB (Student Attendance Review Board)
Suspensions and Expulsions
Title IX and Non-Discrimination
eLearning, and Independent Study, Home Hospital
Home Hospital - A student with a temporary disability which makes school attendance impossible or inadvisable shall receive individual instruction in the student's home or in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding state hospitals. This instruction applies to students incurring a physical, mental or emotional disability after which they can reasonably be expected to return to regular day classes or an alternative education program without special intervention. It does not apply to students identified as individuals with exceptional needs pursuant to Education Code 56026. (Education Code 48206.3)
Butte County SELPA - Butte County Office of Education is dedicated to the belief that all students can learn and that students with special needs must be guaranteed equal opportunity to become contributing members of society.
- The BCOE Special Education Department provides educational services to individuals 0 to 22 years of age who have various forms of disabilities.
- The CDE Special Education Division serves the unique needs of individuals with disabilities.